Palm Beach Physicians Guild of the Catholic Medical Association

We are physicians integrating faith into the practice of medicine, deepening a spirit of service, working to restore Catholic principles in healthcare in the Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida

About Us

We are…

Palm Beach Physicians Guild

of the Catholic Medical Association

As members of the local guild of the Catholic Medical Association in the Diocese of Palm Beach, we uphold the principles of the Catholic faith in the science and practice of medicine

Membership is open to physicians, dentists, nurses, allied healthcare professionals, medical students, clergy, seminarians and religious, friends and patrons, and non-Catholic physicians who are supportive of the Catholic tradition in medical ethics.

Fourth Annual White Mass

for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals 

Saturday, November 14th, 2020 at 10:00 am

St. Ann’s Catholic Church

Use Link for RSVP to 4th Annual White Mass

Live Streaming provided by Radio Católica Online TV via Facebook and YouTube

Not a CMA member? Click here and join today!


Helping Families Project ,

a blog from guild chaplain, Father Dennis Gonzales

Doctor Doctor Podcast

from Catholic Medical Association 





The Pulse of Catholic Medicine

For previous issues of The Pulse of Catholic Medicine, click on this link

The Linacre Quarterly

National News
  • Medically Necessary vs. Medically Relevant...

     by Gina G. La Prova, MD The American Medical Association defines medical necessity as a concept that describes the need for health care services that are justified. These services must meet […]

  • Restoring Male Fertility: A Training Course

    By Dr. Giuseppe Grande In 2024, the Unit of Andrology and Reproductive Medicine of the Department of Medicine at the University of Padova, Italy held its first international high level training […]

  • Lessons From Our Medical Student Colleagues

    By Roberty Motley, M.D. February makes us wish for Springtime here in Philadelphia. Yet, this month brings us many celebrations: our Eagles won the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, and my […]

  • Two CMA Events Not to Miss: Registration Open

    It is that time again to start planning for the Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp and the Leadership Training Meeting, both inspiring and educational CMA summer events. Boot Camp is a […]

Become a member of the National Catholic Medical Association

The Catholic Medical Association (CMA) is the largest association of Catholic individuals in health care. We help our members to grow in faith, maintain ethical integrity, and provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the Church.