Humanae Vitae at 50 – A list of articles from different sources
- ‘Humanae Vitae’ legacy is the call to selfless and free love
- #MeToo shows the dangers of ‘end-less’ sex. ‘Humanae Vitae’ shows the way forward.
- How “Humanae Vitae” helped one nun find her feminist voice
- Life Lessons: How I teach ‘Humanae Vitae’
- Scottish Bishop: Humanae Vitae ‘Is More Acutely Relevant Today Than Ever’
- Against Ideological Colonization: The Teaching of Humanae Vitae and a Humanely Adequate Global Ethic
- The Prophetic Power of Humanae Vitae
- Affirming and Celebrating Humanae Vitae
- Warning: Humanae Vitae Can Change Your Life!