Academic and professional articles impacting Catholic medical bioethics
Sexuality, pornography and gender issues:
- Scientists Have Unwittingly Revealed that the Obergefell Decision Did Nothing to Diminish Sexual Minority Distress
- Gender Dysphoria and Children: An Endocrinologist’s Evaluation of I am Jazz
- Gender Ideology as Abuse
- “In the Beginning”
- Debunking the Myths of Pornography
- Two Nations, Revisited
- The Myth of the “Desistance Myth”
Pregnancy, conception, contraception, and reproductive issues:
- Fertility and Toxicity
- What is Historical Church Teaching on Contraception?
- The biological status of the early human embryo. When does human life begin?
Ethics at the end-of-life:
- A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decisions
- What’s love got to do with it: The ethical contradictions of Peter Singer
- Aspects of Beauty: The Medical Care of Terminally Ill Newborns
General bioethical issues:
- Ethics and Medics, July 2018, NCBC
- Being Human in the Modern World: Why Personalism Matters for Education and Culture
- Card-Carrying Precadavers, by Aaron Kheriaty, MD
- Same behavior, different provider: American medical students’ attitudes toward reporting risky behaviors committed by doctors, nurses, and classmates, Sahil Aggarwal & Aaron Kheriaty
- Moving Beyond the Theoretical: Medical Students’ Desire for Practical, Role-Specific Ethics Training, Shana D. Stites, Justin Clapp, Stefanie Gallagher & Autumn Fiester
- We’re not prepared for the genetic revolution that’s coming
Suicide epidemic and depression
Addiction medicine